
Produktnr: 26152
Tipping point plystrespiss til 11/32" trepiler. Lager en fløytende lyd når de skytes.
kr 65,00

Historic burnished steel glue-on whistling arrow point for wooden temples.

  • The peculiarity of the Tipping Point whistling arrow point is precisely the whistle created by the point during the flight phase. This is due to its special shape which, with a transverse hole and a particular recess, makes the air flow creating the typical sound.
  • The point comes in two parts, one to be glued on the shaft, properly tapered and the second to be screwed onto the first.
  • When making the two components Tipping Point gives absolute importance to tolerances and details in order to guarantee the correct assembly of the arrow point.
  • The points are made of steel and subsequently treated on the surface with a burnishing process to give them the typical burnished color and protect them from oxidation.

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ÅPNINGSTIDER: Mandag-fredag 1000-1600
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