Arrow Armor

Produktnr: 26206
Solid smøring til pilene så de blir lette å trekke ut selv fra de tøffeste blinkene. Sitter på lenge.
kr 530,00

Arrow armor with its patent pending formula making the arrow slide out of the target easier.

  • Works on carbon and aluminum arrows.
  • How to apply:
  • Use on a clean arrow cleaned with denatured alcohol.
  • Wifler recommends 3 coats for maximum longevity.
  • Put some of the arrow armor on a microfiber cloth then wipe the first 6-8 inches of the arrow down. let dry for 20 min between coats.
  • Let it dry for 1 hour on the final coat before shooting.
  • Then you're good up to 9 months depending on how much you shoot. When they start to be hard to pull out again simply reapply one coat.

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ÅPNINGSTIDER: Mandag-fredag 1000-1600
(kan være lurt å ringe først).

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